WALDORF Microwave XT menu and value lists
Skip to main menu / content
This document contains a list of all the menus, associated with their respective buttons. For parameters, that change more than numbers, you will also find lists of possible values. These values are associated with their respective MIDI controller positions, where possible.
My Microwave operating system version is 2.33, which is the latest version, still available on the Waldorf website. Also available on the Waldorf website is a PDF manual for the Microwave II/XT/XTK. It is easily convertable to HTML with pdftohtml under Linux and should be easy to read on graphically based systems like Windows and Mac OS. So Thanks Waldorf!
This document was written by me, Julien Claassen. It's original can be found at: juliencoder.de/mw_xt-menus.html. You're welcome to distribute it freely, conforming to these conditions:
- You are NOT allowed to charge any fee for it whatsoever!
- You must keep the document as it is
If you find errors or have additions to make, you're welcome to mail them and if you like, your name will be included in the document.
Julien Claassen (05.04.2011)
- Introduction
- News
- Tips and tricks
- Button 1
- Button 2
- Button 3
- Button 4
- Button 5
- Shift+Button1 (Store)
- Shift+Button2 (Recall)
- Shift+Button3 (Compare)
- Shift+Button4 (Undo)
- Shift+Button5 (Utility)
- Appendix A: List of Wavetables
- Appendix B: List of controller abbreviations
- Appendix C: List of filter types
- Appendix D: List of effect types
- Appendix E: List of Modulation Sources
- Appendix F: List of Modulation Destinations
This document is mainly intended for blind users of the Waldorf Microwave XT, but may also serve sighted users as a short reference guide.
The structure of this document is very simple:
- At the top you find the main contents, listing the main buttons on your Microwave XT
- Each button links to a new list, which shows all the submenus (pages) that button offers
- Each menu page item, links to a short section describing the parameters of that page
The order of menus and pages is taken from the Microwave XT's order. So you can use the big page dial to count them. In the sections describing the parameters of each page, blank positions are also included, so you know, which knob does what.
In this section you find some tips and tricks to make it easier to work with your Microwave XT:
Connect your instrument to your computer via MIDI and use a program, that can display MIDI controller changes and SysEx data. On the Linux commandline this could be aseqdump, otherwise every well equipped sequencer should do the job. - aseqdump example:
aconnect -li
[Copious output]
client 24: 'M Audio Delta 1010LT' [type=kernel]
aseqdump -p 24:0
Now you can see every MIDI message coming from the connected instrument. Stop it by pressing ctrl-C
If you get lost in the menu pages, you can use the page dial to skip back to the first menu page of the current buton. It does _NOT_ scroll through a.k.a wrap around.
The effects don't output MIDI messages (at least not for me and not so far). You can turn the last value dial (fourth display knob) to the right and then slowly turn the first one. Because the last value dial is mostly used for depth or mix, you can clearly hear the effect.
If you don't turn the last knob you should hear an effect anyway, since you get a small pop or click everytime the effect is changed.
I suspect tis section will be rather small, but just so you know, if something changed...
- 05.04.2011:
- the document is now valid XHTML1.0 Transitional, validate by the W3C's validator.
Also slight restructuring and better organisation has been put into place. the Tips and Tricks section has been put into place.
- 04.04.2011:
- Original upload of the document, some misspellings corrected.
- Oscillator 1 / 1
- Oscillator 1 / 2
- Oscillator 2 / 1
- Oscillator 2 / 2
- Wave 1 / 1
- Wave 1 / 2
- Wave 2 / 1
- Wave 2 / 2
- Quality
- Mixer 1
- Mixer 2
- Play Access
- Filter 1 / 1
- Filter 1 / 2
- Filter 2
- Amplifier
- Effects
- Panning
- Portamento and Glissando
- Trigger 1
- Trigger 2
- Arpeggiator 1
- Arpeggiator 2
- Arpeggiator 3
- Arpeggiator 4
- Filter Envelope
- Volume Envelope
- Wave Envelope 1
- Wave envelope 2
- Wave Envelope 3
- Wave Envelope 4
- Wave Envelope 5
- Wave Envelope 6
- Free Envelope 1
- Free Envelope 2
- LFO 1 / 1
- LFO 1 / 2
- LFO 2 / 1
- LFO 2 / 2
- Modifiers 1
- Modifiers 2
- Modifiers 3
- Modifiers 4
- Modifier Delay
- Mod Matrix 1
- Mod Matrix 2
- Mod Matrix 3
- Mod Matrix 4
- Mod Matrix 5
- Mod Matrix 6
- Mod Matrix 7
- Mod Matrix 8
- Mod Matrix 9
- Mod Matrix 10
- Mod Matrix 11
- Mod Matrix 12
- Mod Matrix 13
- Mod Matrix 14
- Mod Matrix 15
- Mod Matrix 16
- Multi Volume
- Multi Tempo
- Multi Controls
- Multi Keyboard
- Multi Instrument Select
- Multi Sound 1
- Multi sound 2
- Multi Tune
- Multi Range 1
- Multi Range 2
- Multi Arpeggiator 1
- Multi Arpeggiator 2
- Multi Arpeggiator 3
- MIDI 1
- MIDI 2
- MIDI 3
- Controls
- Volume
- Tune
- system
- system Status Display
- Info Message
what | empty | empty | empty
Press Shift+Button1 to confirm.
Press once to recall the original program
Press once to hear the original sound and again to hear your edit.
According to a Waldorf developer it never had a function on the Microwave XT.
This function allows you to dump data from the Microwave XT and perform additional system functions.
Menu in single sound mode
- Dump Sound: Dump current Sound
- Dump all sounds: Dump all sounds
- Dump all Wavetables and Waves: Dump all Wavetables and Waves
- Dump Global Parameters: Dump global (system) parameters
- Dump Everything: Dump all the above in one step
- Dump Sound Controller Data: Dump controller data of the current sound
- Dump System: Dump the operating sstem
- Re-Organise Memory: Re-organise the internal file system (recommended before huge dumps/receives)
- Randomise Patch: Randomise the current patch (create a random sound)
- Init Sound: Create a basic sound
In Multi mode
- Dump Sound: Dump current sound
- Dump Multi: Dump current multi parameters (no sound info)
- Dump Arrangement: Dump multi and all its sounds
- Dump all Sounds: Dump all sounds
- Dump all Multis: Dump all Multis
- Dump Wavetables and Waves: Dump all Wavetables and Waves
- Dump Global Parameters: Dump global (system) parameters
- Dump Everything: dump all the above in one step
- Dump Sound Controller Data: Dump controller data of the current Sound
- Dump System: Dump the operating system
- Re-organise Memory: Re-organise the internal file system (recommended before huge dumps/receives)
- Randomise Patch: randomise the current patch (create a random patch)
- Init Sound: Create some basic Sound
- Init Multi (only there in multi mode!): Create a basic Multi
octave | semitone | detune | keytrack
- Octave: -4 - +4
- Semitone: -12 - +12
- Detune: -64 - +63
- Keytrack: -100% - +200% (100% = 48)
[Button1] [Top]
pitchbend | empty | fm-amount | empty
- Pitchbend: 0-120, harmonic, global
- Fm-amount: 0-127
[Button1] [Top]
octave | semitone | detune | keytrack
See Oscillator 1 / 1
[Button1] [Top]
pitchbend | empty | sync | link
- Pitchbend: 0-120, harmonic, global
- Sync: off, on
- Link: off, on
[Button1] [Top]
startwave | phase | wavetable | w1 (empty)
- startwave: 0-60, triangle, square, sawtooh
- Phase: Free, 3-357degrees
- Wavetable: 1-128
See list of wavetables.
[Button1] [Top]
env amount | env vel amount | keytrack | limit w1
- Env Amount: -64 - +63
- Env Vel Amount: -64 - +63
- Keytrack: -200% - +197% (0% = 64)
- Limit W1: off, on
[Button1 [Top]
startwave | phase | link | empty
- Startwave: 0-60, triangle, square, sawtooth
- Phase: free, 3-357degrees
- Link: off, on
[Button1] [Top]
env amount | env vel amount | keytrack | limit w2
See Wave 1 / 2
[Button1] [Top]
aliasing | time quant | accuracy | clipping
- Aliasing: off, 1-5
- Time Quant: off, 1-5
- Accuracy: off, on
- Clipping: saturate, overflow
[Button1] [Top]
wave 1 | wave 2 | ringmod | noise
- Wave 1: 0-127
- Wave 2: 0-127
- Ringmod: 0-127
- Noise: 0-127
[Button1] [Top]
external | empty | empty | empty
[Button1] [Top]
par 1 | par 2 | par 3 | par 4
- Par 1: Controller Destination
- Par 2: Controller Destination
- Par 3: Controller Destination
- Par 4: Controller Destination
See List of Modulation Destinations.
[Button1] [Top]
cutoff | resonance | type | keytrack
- Cutoff: 0-127
- Resonance: 0-127
- Type: 0-11
- Keytrack: -200% - +197% (0% = 64)
See List of Filter Types.
[Button2] [Top]
cutoff env amount | empty | env vel amount | extra parameter
- Cutoff Env Amount: -64 - +63
- Envelope Velocity Amount: -64 - +63
- Extra parameter: This is only there for certain filters
[Button2] [Top]
cutoff | empty | type | keytrack
- Cutoff: 0-127
- Type: 6DB lowpass, 6DB highpass
- Keytrack: -200 - +197
[Button2] [Top]
volume | velocity | keytrack | chorus
- Volume: 0-127
- Velocity: -64 - +63
- Keytrack: -200% - +197%
- Chorus: off, on
[Button2] [Top]
NOTE: In the original manual and on the device Panning comes before effects. It may be OS dependent.
effect type | param 1 | param 1 | param 3
- Effect type: Type of effect (no MIDI)
- Param 1: type dependent
- Param 2: type dependent
- Param 3: type dependent (mostly mix)
See List of Effect Types.
[Button2] [Top]
NOTE: In the origina manual and on the device panning comes before Effects.
panning | keytrack | empty | empty
- Panning: left (-64) - center (0) - right (+63)
- Keytrack: -200% - +197%
[Button2] [Top]
active | type | mode | time
- Active: off, on
- Type: Porta, Glissando, Fingered, F.Gliss
- Mode: Exp, Linear
- Time: 0-127
[Button2] [Top]
filter env | amp env | wave env | free env
- Filter Env: Normal, Single, Retrigger
- Amp Env: Normal, Single, Retrigger
- Wave Env: Normal, Single, Retrigger
- Free Env: Normal, Single, Retrigger
[Button2] [Top]
mode | assign | detune | depan
- Mode: Poly, Mono
- Assign: Normal, Dual, Unisono
- Detune: 0-127
- Depan: 0-127
[Button2] [Top]
active | tempo | clock | range
- Active: off, on, hold
- Tempo: Extern, 50-300 (120 = 37, 150 = 52, 180 = 67, +2 = +1
- Clock: 1/1 - 1/32 (with: dotted, triplet, normal)
- Range: 1-10
[Button2] [Top]
pattern | direction | note order | velocity
- Pattern: off, user, 1-15
- Direction: Up, Down, Alternate, Random
- Note Order: By note, Note reversed, as played, reversed
- Velocity: Root note, Last note
[Button2] [Top]
reset on pattern start | empty | empty | length
- Reset on Pattern start: off, on
- Length: 1-16
[Button2] [Top]
User Pattern Position | Trigger | empty | empty
- User Pattern Position: 1-pattern length
- Trigger: off, on
[Button2] [Top]
attack | decay | sustain | release
- Attack: 0-127
- Decay: 0-127
- Sustain: 0-127
- Release: 0-127
[Button3] [Top
attack | decay | sustain | release
- Attack: 0-127
- Decay: 0-127
- Sustain: 0-127
- Release: 0-127
[Button3] [Top]
time 1 | level 1 | time 2 | level 2
- Time 1: 0-127
- Level 1: 0-127
- Time 2: 0-127
- Level 2: 0-127
[Button3] [top]
time 3 | level 3 | time 4 | level 4
- Time 3: 0-127
- Level 3: 0-127
- Time 4: 0-127
- Level 4: 0-127
[Button3] [Top]
time 5 | level 5 | time 6 | level 6
- Time 5: 0-127
- Level 5: 0-127
- Time 6: 0-127
- Level 6: 0-127
[Button3] [Top]
time 7 | level 7 | time 8 | level 8
- Time 7: 0-127
- Level 7: 0-127
- Time 8: 0-127
- Level 8: 0-127
[Button3] [Top]
key on loop | empty | loop start | loop end
- Key on loop: off, on
- Loop start: 1-8
- Loop end: 1-8
[Button3] [Top]
key off loop | empty | loop start | loop end
- Key off loop: off, on
- Loop start: 1-8
- Loop end: 1-8
[Button3] [Top]
time 1 | level 1 | time 2 | level 2
- Time 1: 0-127
- Level 1: -64 - +63
- Time 2: 0-127
- Level 2: -64 - +63
[Button3] [Top]
time 3 | level 3 | release | release level
- Time 3: 0-127
- Level 3: -64 - +63
- Release: 0-127
- Release Level: -64 - +63
[Button3] [Top]
rate | shape | delay | sync
- Rate: 0-127 (128bars-1/64)
- Shape: Sine, Triangle, Square, Sawtooth, Random, S&H
- Delay: off, retrigger, 1-126
- Sync: off, on, clock (NOTE: on my MW on is 1 and 2), (LFO2 only has off, on)
[button3] [Top]
symmetry | humanize | empty | empty
- Symmetry: -64 - +63
- Humanize: off, 1-127
[Button3] [Top]
rate | shape | delay | sync
See LFO 1 / 1
[Button3] [Top]
symmetry | humanize | phase | empty
- Symmetry: -64 - +63
- Humanize: off, 1-127
- Phase: off, 3-357degrees
[Button3] [Top]
source1 | source2 | type | parameter
- Source 1: Modulation source
- Source 2: Modulation Source
- Type: Modifier Type
- Parameter: 0-127 (type dependent)
See List of modulation sources
See List of Modifier Types
[Button3] [Top]
source 1 | source 2 | type | parameter
See Modifiers 1
See List of Modifier Types
[Button3] [Top]
source 1 1 source 2 | type | parameter
See Modifiers 1
See List of Modifier Types
[Button3] [Top]
source 1 | source 2 | type | parameter
See Modifiers 1
See List of Modifier Types
[button3] [Top]
control delay time | empty | source | empty
- Control Delay Time: 0-127
- source: Modulation Source
See List of modulation sources
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
- source: modulation source
- Amount: -64 - +63
- Destination: modulation destination
See List of Modulation Sources
See List of Modulation Destinations
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
source | amount | destination | empty
See Mod Matrix 1
[Button3] [Top]
position | character | tempty | empty
- Position: 1-16
- Character: a character
[button3] [Top]
volume | empty | empty | empty
[Button4] [Top]
tempo | empty | empty | empty
[Button4] [Top]
contorl w | control x | control y | control z
- Control W: 0-120, Global
- Control X: 0-120, Global
- Control Y: 0-120, Global
- Control Z: 0-120, Global
[Button4] [Top]
position | character | empty | empty
- position: 1-16
- Character: characters
[Button4] [Top]
bank | sound | empty | instrument
- Bank: A, B
- Sound: 0-127
- Instrument: 1-8
[Button4] [Top]
channel | volume | status | instrument
- Channel: Global, Omni, 1-16
- Volume: 0-127
- Status: off, on
- Instrument: 1-8
[Button4] [Top]
panning | pan mod | output | instrument
- Panning: -64 (left) - 0 (center) - +63 (right)
- PanMod: off, normal, inverse
- Output: Main output, sub output
- Instrument: 1-8
[Button4] [Top]
transpose | detune | empty | instrument
- Transpose: -48 - +48
- Detune: -64 - +63
- Instrument: 1-8
[Button4] [Top]
lowest velocity | highest velocity | empty | instrument
- Lowest Velocity: 1-127
- Highest Velocity: 1-127
- Instrument: 1-8
[Button4] [Top]
lowest key | highest key | empty | instrument
- Lowest Key: 0-127
- Highest Key: 0-127
- Instrument: 1-8
[Button4] [Top]
active | clock | range | instrument
- Acitve: off, on hold, sound arp
- Clock: 1/1 - 1/32 (with triplets and dotted notes)
- Range: 1-10
- Instrument: 1-8
[Button4] [Top]
pattern | direction | note order | instrument
- Pattern: off, user, 1-15
- Direction: up, down, alternate, random
- Note Order: by note, note reversed, as played, played reversed
- Instrument: 1-8
[Button4] [Top]
velocity | reset on pattern start | empty | instrument
- Velocity: root note, last note
- Reset on Pattern start: off, on
- Instrument: 1-8
[Button4] [Top]
channel | program change | bend range | device id
- Channel: Omni, 1-16
- Program Change: Sound, Multi, combined
- Bend Range: 0-120, Harmonic
- Device ID: 0-126
[Button5] [Top]
parameter control send | parameter control receive | empty
- Parameter Control Send: off, Control only, SysEx, Control+SysEx
- Parameter Control Receive: off, on
[Button5] [Top]
midi clock send | empty | empty | empty
[Button5] [Top]
control w | control x | control y | control z
- Control W: 0-120
- Control X: 0-120
- Control Y: 0-120
- Control Z: 0-120
[Button5] [top]
main volume | input gain | empty | empty
- Main Volume: 0-127
- Input Gain: 1-4
[button5] [Top]
master tuning | transpose | empty | empty
- Master Tuning: 430-450 (in Hz)
- Transpose: -12 - +12
[Button5] [Top]
display timeout | contrast | empty | empty
- Display Timeout: 0-127
- Contrast: 0-127
[Button5] [Top]
- 001 Resonant
- 002 Resonant 2
- 003 Malletsyn
- 004 Sqr-sweep
- 005 Bellish
- 006 Pul-sweep
- 007 Saw-sweep
- 008 Mellowsaw
- 009 Feedback
- 010 Add harm
- 011 Reso 3 hp
- 012 Wind syn
- 013 High harm
- 014 Clipper
- 015 Organ syn
- 016 Squaresaw
- 017 Formant 1
- 018 Polated
- 019 Transient
- 020 Electricp
- 021 Robotic
- 022 Stronghrm
- 023 Percorgan
- 024 Clipsweep
- 025 Resoharms
- 026 2 Echoes
- 027 Formant 2
- 028 Fmntvocal
- 029 Microsync
- 030 Micro PWM
- 031 Glassy
- 032 Square hp
- 033 Sawsync 1
- 034 Sawsync 2
- 035 Sawsync 3
- 036 Pulsync 1
- 037 Pulsync 2
- 038 Pulsync 3
- 039 Sinsync 1
- 040 Sinsync 2
- 041 Sinsync 3
- 042 PWM pulse
- 043 PWM saw
- 044 Fuzz wave
- 045 Distorted
- 046 Heavyfuzz
- 047 Fuzz sync
- 048 K+strong1
- 049 K+strong2
- 050 K+strong3
- 051 1-2-3-4-5
- 052 19/twenty
- 053 Wavetrip1
- 054 Wavetrip2
- 055 Wavetrip3
- 056 Wavetrip4
- 057 Malevoice
- 058 Low piano
- 059 Resosweep
- 060 Xmas bell
- 061 FM piano
- 062 Fat organ
- 063 Vibes
- 064 Chorus 2
- 065 True PWM
- osc1: oscillator 1
- osc2: oscillator 2
- oct: octave
- semi: semitone
- w1: wave 1
- w2: wave 2
- det.: detune
- bend: pitchbend range
- mix: mixer
- keyt / keytrk.: keytrack
- f1: filter 1
- f2: filter 2
- startw: startwave
- envamt: envelope amount
- amp: amplifier
- velamt: velocity amount
- arp: arpeggiator
- ring: rng modulation
- fe: filter envelope
- reso: resonance
- ae: amplifier envelope
- vol: volume
- pan: panning
- patt.: pattern
- dir.: direction
- velo: velocity
- aloc.: allocation
- sust.: sustain
- shpe: shape
- dlay: delay
- sync: synchronisation
- sym.: symmetry
- hum.: humanize
- phas: phase
- 24DB LP: 24DB lowpass filter
- 12DB LP: 12DB lowpass filter
- 24DB BP: 24DB bandpass filter
- 12DB BP: 12DB bandpass filter
- 12DB HP: 12DB highpass filter
- Sin(x)>LP: Sine wave shaper followed by 12DB lowpass filter
- WaveShaper: 12DB lowpas filter with wave shaper
- Dual L/BP: parallel 12DB lowpass and bandpass filter
- FM-Filter: 12DB lowpass filter with frequency modulation
- S&H>L12DB: sample and hold in front of 12DB lowpass filter
- 24dBNotch: 24DB notch filter
- 12dBNotch: 12DB notch filter
- Band Stop: parallel 12DB low and highpass filter
- Chorus: speed, depth, mix
- Flanger 1: speed, depth, mix
- Flanger 2: speed, feedback, mix
- AutoWahLP: sense, cutoff, resonance
- AutoWahBP: sense, cutoff, resonance
- Overdrive: drive, gain, amp type (direct, combo, medium, stack
- Amp. Mod: speed, spread, mix
- Delay: time, feedback, mix
- Pan Delay: time, feedback, mix
- Mod Delay: time, feed, depth
- (00) off: modulation off
- (01) LFO1: LFO1 signal
- (02) LFO1*Modw: LFO1 signal multiplied by modwheel
- (03) LFO1*Prs.: LFO1 signal multiplied by aftertouch
- (04) LFO2: LFO2 signal
- (05) FilterEnv: Filter Envelope signal
- (06) Ampl. Env: Amplifier envelope signal
- (07) Wave Env: Wave envelope signal
- (08) Free Env: Free envelope signal
- (09) KeyFollow: Same as Keytrack, but with pitchbend and glide
- (0A) Keytrack: MIDI note number
- (0B) Velocity: MIDI note velocity
- (0C) el. Velo: MIDI note release velocity
- (0D) Pressure: MIDI aftertouch
- (0E) Poly Prs.: MIDI polyphonic pressure
- (0F) PitchBend: MIDI pitchbend signal
- (10) Modwheel: MIDI modulation wheel (MIDI controller #1)
- (11) sust. Ctr.: MIDI sustain pedal (MIDI controller #64)
- (12) Foot Ctr.: MIDI foot control (MIDI controller #4)
- (13) Breath Ctr.: MIDI breath controller (MII controller #2
- (14) Control W: Assignable MIDI controller 1
- )15) Control X: Assignable MIDI controller 2
- )16) Control Y: Assignable MIDI controller 3
- (17) Control Z: Assignable MIDI controller 4
- (18) Ctr Delay: Modifier delay
- (19) Modifier 1: Modifier 1 result
- (1A) Modifier 2: Modifier 2 result
- (1B) Modifier 3: Modifier 3 result
- (1C) Modifier 4: Modifier 4 result
- (1D) MIDI Clock: MIDI Clock signal
- (1E) Minimum: Constant for minimum modulation (equals 0)
- (1F) Maximum: Constant for maximum modulation (equals +1)
- (00) +: addition
- (01) -: subtraction
- (02) *: multiplication
- (03) /: division
- (04) XOR: exclussive OR function
- (05) OR: OR function
- (06) AND: AND function
- (07) S&H: sample and hold (parameter: time/speed)
- (08) Ramp: triggered ramp (parameter: ramp time)
- (09) Switch: switch (parameter: switch value)
- (0A) Abs value: absolute value
- (0B) Min value: minimum value (parameter: value 2)
- (0C) Max value: maximum value (parameter: value 2)
- (0D) Lag Proc.: ramp function (parameter: ramp time)
- (0E) Filter: lowpass filter (parameter: filter frequency/cutoff)
- (0F) Diff.: differential function
- (00) Pitch: global pitch of all oscillators
- (01) Osc1 Pit.: oscillator 1 pitch
- (22) FM Amount: amount of frequency modulation
- (02) Osc2 Pit.: oscillator 2 pitch
- (03) Wave1 Pos: wave 1 start position
- (04) Wave2 Pos: Wave 2 startposition
- (05) Wave1 Mix: mixer input level wave 1
- (06) Wave2 mix: mixer input level wave 2
- (07) Ringmod: mixer ring modulation level
- (08) Noise Mix: mixer noise level
- (09) Cutoff: filter 1 cutoff frequency
- (0A) Resonance: filter 1 resonance
- (23) F1 Extra: filter 1 extra parameter
- (0B) Filter 2: filter 2 cutoff frequency
- (0C) Volume: amplifier master volume
- (0D) Panning: amplifier pan position
- (0E) FE Attack: filter envelope attack
- (0F) FE Decay: filter envelope decya
- (10) FE Sustain: filter envelope sustain
- (11) FE Release: filter envelope release
- (12) AE Attack: amplifier envelope attack
- (13) AE Decay: amplifier envelope decay
- (14) AE sustain: amplifier envelope sustain
- (15) AE Release: amplifier envelope release
- (16) WE Time: all wave envelope times
- (17) WE Levels: all wave envelope levels
- (18) Free Env T: all free envelope times
- (19) Free Env L: all free envelope levels
- (1A) LFO1 Rate: LFO 1 rate
- (1B) LFO1 Level: LFO 1 level
- (1C) LFO2 Rate: LFO 2 rate
- (1D) LFO2 Level: LFO 2 level
- (1E) M1 Amount: amount of modulation assignment 1
- (1F) M2 Amount: amount of modulation assignment 2
- (20) M3 Amount: amount of modulation assignment 3
- (21) M4 Amount: amount of modulation assignment 4
